Category Archives: News from Chicago

Merchandise Mart

Nothing particularly special, it’s just that I went by the Merchandise Mart on my walk this morning, and thought it looked really nice in the sun.

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Chalk Howard Street

We took the L up to Rogers Park and the Chalk Howard Street festival. Chalk artists from around the country came to chalk up Howard Street, including this shot of Chicago native Harrison Ford climbing up out of the ground. … Continue reading

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Cat Video Fest 2022

How can anyone possibly resist? We had a great time, as always. Seen in the beautiful 1929 Music Box Theatre, the way movies are meant to be seen. Lots of popcorn, and a hugely appreciative crowd. There was an announcement … Continue reading

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Pride Parade

I walked down the street to watch this year’s Pride Parade. It was huge. It was a beautiful day for a parade, and the spectators were appreciative. It was very loud. I hope everyone wore enough sunscreen.

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World Giraffe Day 2022

And GC1 got me a souvenir medal at the Zoo.

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The grandkids wanted to go to the Field, and especially to see Sue. The picture they take when you first arrive. Don’t they look thrilled? They were a lot happier after they got into the museum. They got to see … Continue reading

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Zoo day

A stunningly beautiful day in Chicago, and we decided to go to the zoo. We left in such a hurry to catch the bus that I forgot the camera, so there aren’t many pictures. We did see the new tiger … Continue reading

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Mama’s big birthday

Mama had a milestone birthday. The grandchildren were on hand. They baked her a cake. And mama got the first big piece. But before the cake we had Chinese food from Furama. Which everybody dug into. Among other gifts, mama … Continue reading

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Chicago Summer (sort of)

It’s Memorial Day weekend! Traditional start of Chicago summer. People flock to the beach. There were a lot of people out there today in shorts, t-shirts, and sandals. Because it’s the start of summer. They weren’t going to let the … Continue reading

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Spring, 2022 (cont.)

No Spring (yet) this year. Last week’s photo showed CVH in her parka on Michigan Avenue, and today it was 28°C (82°F) in Chicago. They don’t turn on our air conditioning for another week, so the cat is hot:

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